I jump all in.
Dream big.
Make plans.
I love dreaming and planning and all that good stuff.
It is also really important to me that I live intentionally.
To make things count.
To be wise and discerning.
sometimes I struggle to make those two align.
anybody else out there struggle with that?
this is a picture of my journal from February 2007.
I was living in Canada. Preparing for a 3 month mission trip to Mexico.
We had a guest speaker come--who was a very discerning, wise listener.
She spent some time praying with me and for me.
This is what I wrote down about those prayers.
She prayed that I would:
"be someone who doesn't move until I hear God's voice."
fast forward one year.
I come back from Mexico.
Decide to marry the hubs.
Move to Denver.
I'm in graduate school at Denver Seminary.
I'm leaning forward. nodding. yes. thinking, this is the moment...
this is what he says next.
"You are going to be someone who is always asking, "What do You have for me now?"
Really? Okay.
Well, not what I was expecting.
But in that moment I began to feel so much FREEDOM.
Someone finally gave me the freedom to stop pursuing that ONE big calling and told me to just keep asking. keep seeking. keeping journeying.
If God had given me one very specific calling I would have just gone for it. full tilt.
and it would have been a disaster.
He knew that I would get ahead of myself.
and what good is being "on mission" in life if I am not connected to the Source of all life.
He knew that I would need to slow down from time to time.
Listen. Dialogue. Meditate. Ask. Hear.
and I feel like I am at that place again.
asking "What do you have for me now?"
some of who (whoever you are....those mysterious readers out there....) just read those words and thought, "What the H*#@ is she talking about? She just moved. Started a new job. Bought a house. Isn't that enough?!?!?!"
And the answer is Yes. and No.
Yes, I have had A LOT of change in the last few months. a lot. trust me. no one feels that to quite the same degree as me. I'm not necessarily asking for something new or different. I'm not asking for another project or job or opportunity. I'm not.
What I am asking is,"Lord, what do You want from me in this season?"
We were so focused on getting here. and now we are here.
and I'm still unpacking what that looks like.
to be here. in this town. in this job. in this season of life.
but I never want to stop listening.
I want to HEAR from my Jesus.
I want to walk in obedience and not get swept away in the busyness that is all around me.
My struggle is being still.
Honestly, I'm just not very good at it.
And one thing I've learned when working with my clients is:
If you are not intentional and focused when they are talking, you'll miss what they are really saying.
I don't want to miss what is being said to me.
So I'm really working on being still. so that I can listen.
I'll let you know how it goes....:)