Monday, November 29, 2010


this is the season of spending.
Black Friday.
Cyber Monday.
gifts for everyone on the list.
decorations for the mantle.
i'm sure your inbox is full of coupons just like mine.
and your paper is full of ads just like mine.

it is very easy to get sucked into this attitude of spend, spend, spend.

or at least it is for me.

the other night I was laying in bed thinking.
i do that often, by the way.
sometimes too much.
but, hey, it's how God made me.

so i was thinking about how much time i spend thinking about ways to spend money.
we're trying to buy a house $$$$$$$
so then i start thinking about the furniture we'll need to put in that house (guest bed, accent chairs, dining room table, couch, desks, etc. etc. etc.) $$$
then i think about having a baby. yikes! need i say more?!? $$$$$$$
and how we don't even have a four-door vehicle to put that baby in $$$

you get the picture, right?

so this was the track that my mind was on
when all of the sudden i heard:
"what if you spent as much time thinking about how to give to others
as you do thinking about spending?"

what if?

don't hear me wrong:
I don't think that any of the things that I mentioned above are bad things,
nor do I think that it is wrong to spend money on those things.
I'm sure at some point we'll buy all the aforementioned items.

but i just think that I have gotten a little off track.
and I want to make sure that I recognize that all that I have
come from God.
it is all HIS, first and foremost.
and always.

as I begin my holiday shopping
(i bought my first gift tonight!!)
I want to keep a good perspective on my spending habits.
and my giving habits.

because I am extremely blessed.
and I want to be a blessing to others.

i hope that Rob and I can talk this week about ways to give
and bless those around us.

will you have these conversations with us, too?

all I have is yours.
I want to honor you with all I have and all I am.
Thanks for all you given for me.

breakfast of champions

In preparing for their trip, Priscilla and Jacob spent some time researching things to do in Denver.

scratch that.

Priscilla researched things to do in Denver.
Jacob researched things and places to EAT.

inspired by an episode of Man VS Food,
we headed north on Federal Blvd to

where we came face-to-face with the epic 7 lb. Burrito.

and Jacob took on the challenge all by himself.
just kidding.

we shared.

Look at that enthusiasm for breakfast!
Gabriella LOVED it.

i'm not sure they get much cuter than that.

while the burrito would have been PLENTY to feed the 6 of us.
we ordered one of the infamous burgers as well.
not gonna lie, I was far more excited for the burger.
what can I say, I'm a Kansas girl through and through.

so. much. food.
(don't worry, this was prior to everyone getting sick)
hmmm....??? are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

my first turkey

this was my first time to host Thanksgiving dinner.
i called my mom the week before and she expressed her relief that I was going to tackle Thanksgiving.
this means she'll never have to be in charge.
she's always been with Grandma Marie or Grandma Marge on Thanksgiving.

so my next two calls were to my Grandmas to learn all the ins-and-outs
of making a scrumptious Thanksgiving meal.

It was my first time making the Turkey!
I was so nervous. but it turned out great!
and was really easy.
apples, celery and carrots on the inside.
butter and seasoning on the outside.
we cooked it in a bag at 325.
it was really moist and really yummy.

the menu:
Stuffing (w/ and w/o raisins)
Greenbean Casserole
Mashed Potatoes
Turkey Gravy
Green Goop
Cranberry/Apple Salad
Dinner rolls

and that was just the main course.
for dessert we had:

Homemade Cheesecake with strawberry topping.
Pumpkin Pie with whipped cream
Tollhouse Pie with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream

we made ALL of that.
for 4 adults and 2 kids.
excessive? probably.
especially since Rob was only eating Saltines on Thanksgiving day.

Jacob was in charge of the potatoes (his is a really great cook. really.)
Priscilla the Green Goop and Tollhouse pie (both Haude traditions)
and with my Grandmas' help,
I conquered the rest.
of course, I had a LOT of help.
i couldn't (and wouldn't) have done it all without all the help.

Gabriella helping with the cheesecake and pie.

it was fun.
but exhausting. I have a new respect for my grandmothers and all the work they put in to cooking all our holiday meals.

it feels good to know that I may have inherited some of the skill and love for cooking that both of my grandmothers possess.

Sil, thank you for all your help!
you washed SO many dishes and kept me company in the kitchen.
i love you and loved our Thanksgiving together!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

something's missing

it is so quiet in our house right now.
rob has probably mentioned the silence five times in the last couple of hours alone.
even with football and HGTV on, it it still so quiet.
and it feels like something is missing.

or rather, someONES.

rob's sister and her family were here for an entire week.
it was glorious.
and fast.

they just left today and they are already greatly missed.
we miss the sounds of jakey saying "all dum" (all done), "otay" (okay), and "tum" (come).
i even taught him to say "Hee-Haw" (Yeehaw!)
we miss gabi squealing in delight and running up and down our small/short hallway.
her sweet, little voice asking for Auntie and Uncle.
I miss talking and laughing with Priscilla while the sewing machines whirled.
Rob misses Jacob's company and making plans for the next meal.

one of their first nights here we watched Monday Night Football:

Jacob was the lone Chargers fan in the house.
Priscilla conveniently packed BRONCOS gear for the kiddos :) :)

we even made a variety of football appropriate finger foods to eat during the game.
we didn't mess around when it came to food:

after all the noise of cooking,
and eating,
it definitely feels quiet.
the 6 of us were nice and cozy,
closely packed into our two bedroom apartment.

on top of it being a lot of people in not-a-lot of space,
we had a lot of illness.
yes, with all the bodily fluids that come along with it.

despite the fact that Rob didn't move off the couch much for a couple days,
and I didn't have energy to do any hardcore Black Friday shopping,
we had a GREAT Thanksgiving!

we did a lot of fun things with the Sibayan family,
and made A LOT of food.
(more on that later)

i am overwhelmed with gratitude for family.
i feel incredibly blessed to have the family that I do.
while I missed seeing my parents, brothers, and Hemmert family,
it felt so great to be with my Haude family.

this was the last time we'll see the Sibayans as a family of four.
Priscilla is due to have baby #3 (a boy!) in about 8-9 weeks.
we can't wait to meet him and have his noises fill our ears.

so until next time,
something will feel likes it's missing.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

a weekend of my liking

by the time the weekend comes around
I usually feel like there is a list of things
I need to do.
I must get done.
I should clean the house, do the laundry, wash the dishes that have piled up all week.

those words: need. must. should.

yuck. just thinking them makes me feel more tired.

So, this weekend I spent a lot of time doing what I wanted.
On Friday, I went on a walk (in 70 degree weather!!!) with two incredibly beautiful friends.
We got ice cream after our walk and then went to Hobby Lobby to browse.

Then we had our dear friends, Ryan and Amanda, over for dinner.
We played Bananagrams, which is one of my favorite games, and caught up about life.
It was so great to laugh and connect with people we enjoy and relate to.

Saturday we did some more house hunting
(and found a house we really please be praying we get it!)
and then my sweet husband went to THREE craft stores with me.
Michaels. Joanns. Hobby Lobby.
All in one day. I had 40% of coupons for ALL THREE. joy.

Then I came home and did some serious crafting.
I am officially started on our wedding scrapbook! woohoo!

So while I did spend a few hours cleaning,
And today I sorted through 7 loads of laundry,
and have loaded the dishwasher 3 times,
this weekend really did feel like a break.
It felt refreshing to talk, walk, eat, laugh, create, and just BE.
it was nice.
very very nice.
a sabbath rest in the midst of some really full weeks.

and in a couple hours, I'll be back in the crazy world I call work.
I praise God for my job.
and for the opportunities I have to love others.
but in this moment, I'm especially praising Him for this weekend of rest.
