Saturday, August 14, 2010

back to school

back to school.
back to school.
to prove to dad I'm not a fool.
Got my lunch pail packed
my shoes tied tight.
i hope I don't get in a fight.

(name that movie'll get a prize from me! ha!)
i think of this movie every time I say the phrase, "back to school"

so it's that time of year again.
i've always loved this time of year.
mostly because i get to buy new school supplies.
have i ever told about my love of office supplies? no?
well, i really really like buying new school/office/organization stuff.

that is not the point of this post, however.

the point is that I am not going back to school this fall.
praise the LORD!
but it feels a little strange.
thankfully, rob is a teacher :)
and this year he is a legitimate teacher.
like he has his own class room and everything!

so, i still get to live vicariously through my hottie hubby.
today we spent 4 hours working in his class room.
i'm so excited for him that i didn't even mind spending my saturday unpacking boxes.
plus i just really love him a lot. (too gooey? sorry.)

my job was to go through the boxes and organize the different centers he had arranged.
it was SO fun to look through the boxes of elementary phonics cards.
and flash cards.
and children's books.

it actually made me kinda wish that i had chose teaching as a career.

(don't worry, i'm not planning a career change already...not yet. just kidding, mom. just kidding.)

we got a lot done today and it was fun to get to be a part of the "back to school" process.
just in a slightly different way this year.

rob, i'm so proud of you.
you are going to be such a great teacher.
your students are blessed to have such a kind, compassionate, wise man in their lives.
and they don't even know it yet!

yipee for going back to school!


  1. oh i know that movie, Billy Madison??

    so excited for Rob to teach, you are right, those kids are lucky to have him! love you both!

    p.s. i love school supplies too, i want to be going to college all over again :)

  2. Love the pictures! Now I will have an idea what the class looks like.

  3. oh E. I DO LOVE OFFICE SUPPLIES, TOO! So much that I am always tempted to buy them even when I have no real need. I also love getting really good pens. In college I was very selfish with my good pens. I kept crappy pens with me to share when someone said "Hey do you have a pen?" Because I knew I probably would not get it back.
